
Project Briefing at SK Taming Jaya

17 May 2016

DATE: 17 May 2016 (Tuesday)
TIME: 9.30 am – 10.30 am
VENUE: Bilik Mesyuarat, SK Taming Jaya
On the 17th May 2016, Langat Sewerage Project held a project briefing with the school management of SK Taming Jaya consists of Zone 4 sewerage network. The session was participated by the management from MMC Pembetungan Langat Sdn Bhd.
The purpose of the briefing is to provide clarification towards the school about the overview of the project. It consists on the project background, the purpose of the project, objectives, scopes, maps and the sewerage networks consisting on their respective zones. At the end of the session there will be question and answer session which provide two ways communication between the school management and the contractors that is effective for future actions to be taken before proceeding with the construction inside their school area.